Land Stewardship Project’s Farm Beginnings works to get more successful farmers on the land and organized for an enterprise in which family farmers can succeed and flourish.
The Farm Beginnings course is a 12 month training that helps beginning farmers clarify their goals and strengths, establish a strong farm plan, and start building their operation. The course uses a mix of farmer-led classroom sessions (9 total), optional on-farm field sessions, and an extensive farmer support network.
Farm Beginnings is offered in Ashland, WI at the Great Lakes Visitors Center, as well as Watertown, MN and La Crosse, WI. Exact dates, times and locations of a 2014 Farm Beginnings course in your region, as well as the application, are available at http://landstewardshipproject.org/morefarmers/farmbeginningsclass
For additional information, contact Cree Bradley at 218.834.0846 or [email protected].