Despite the challenges, Jon led us through a successful berry season. He developed “COVID protocols” for our farm business promoting a healthy out-of-doors experience for our retail customers, and trained our employees to pack fruit by hand in the field, enabling a level of wholesale supply. Both strategies were well received. Chris still works with his brother on the farm and is now looking forward to the “mushing season” with his sister-in-law, Jen. Wolf Song bookings are up, as Jen too has strategized how her business can navigate the pandemic. All they need now is SNOW. Honey suspended her job as post mistress for the Madeline Island community. Hopefully this will be temporary. Once again she refused to accept a Postal Service “promotion” that would have moved her to the Bayfield office and longer hours. Magdalen continues to teach and advise fulltime for LCO Tribal College at Red Cliff—mostly from her home office. The grandsons, Silas, Milo, and Oscar, currently are being schooled remotely at home.
All in all, our families' "inconvenience" does not compare with the disruption, despair, and suffering of millions of people who have been devastated by this horrific pandemic. We will do our part to care for ourselves and our neighbors by staying put, distancing, wearing a mask when in contact with others, and getting vaccinated as soon as the opportunity becomes available. Let us hope and pray that by this season in 2021 we will all be in a better place.