"If you are going to write and publish articles about food safety, then I think you ought to know something about standards for certification. This Hepatitis-A contagion from frozen berries has NOTHING TO DO WITH ORGANIC STANDARDS!!!"
"Organic production is all about inputs--naturally derived vs. synthetically derived--i.e. fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators, colorings, GMOs, preservatives, sanitizers, etc. Organic standards also have nothing to do with food being from local or from multiple sources, domestic or foreign. In addition Organic standards do not provide protection from contamination of food with micro-organisms such as those referenced in your article. The sources of Hepatitis-A, E-coli, Listeria, Salmonella and other harmful organisms that can contaminate fruits and vegetables are uncomposted manure, contaminated irrigation and wash water, dirty hands, sick farm workers, less than sanitary harvest equipment, trucks, packing houses, coolers, re-used packaging, farmers market tables, and grocery store produce counters, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP certification) and Good Handling Practices (GHP certification) are the standards that address these food safety issues. I find it very interesting that the bulk of the food safety threat AND the majority of produce recalls have to do with micro-organisms--many times emanating from Organic sources and value chains. Still, if its ORGANIC it must be safe, right?"