I recently moved one of my canoes to the cottage where it has found a new home. There is no approach to the water from our 40 foot high sandstone bluff, and my knees will no longer tolerate the half mile portage to Lost Creek beach, so I converted a small two wheeled garden cart into a "dolly" that can be strapped to the canoe, enabling me to pull the canoe like a wagon. Works great! The sandstone Lake Superior shoreline, with its cliffs, clefts, and caves, is spectacular! At the end of Romans Point is a seagull rookery where the birds take flight as you approach, circling in the air--diving and squawking--to distract you from their nests. Most cabins and homes are set well back from the shore and are rarely visible from the water leaving a pristine forest edge of large red pine, white pine, spruce, and birch.
Having had a "glimpse" during the construction phase, I now look forward to experiencing at leisure the seasons at Romans Point on Lake Superior.